While the youngest snoozes, It gives me a chance 'to run a few services' on Victoria Street and listen to the cricket.
The operations on Victoria Street are now enhanced by a decent fast clock program, this program allows the operator to schedule sevices by destination, set the time ratio, count down for the next three departures plus stop, pause and edit. The previous set up I had was a reworked clock face ( set 3:1 ratio) and a excel spread sheet.
You can find the program via,
and read all the chatter on the forum or just punch in,
It's all business at the racecourse,
#83 ready to depart for the station, while #82 waits for the terminus.
It is not the regular sevice to and from town, together with the yo-yo race service that short shunt from the station thats on the time table, I have also thrown in a few enthusiest specials thoughout the day to add some spice to the running.
Bendigo 29, Ballarat 28 and MMTB X1 460,
wait their turn for a trundle on Victoria Street in the fiddle yard off scene.
So you might think that Victoria Street is some vast metropolis, but it's not, all these fun and games takes place in my 'man cave', the study.
Victoria Street, 4' across the back, 8' along the side, 8" deep,
7 inertia controlled blocks of DC, 3:1 fast clock ratio, 4 trams on the go at once.
"Flat out like lizard drinking"
"Easy on the throttle when going into the racecourse terminus,
it's a 12' drop into the lounge room"
From under the wires