As part of the modernisation of Melbourne's tram network, The Tramways are installing signalling equipment and repairing and renewing tram tracks and overhead at The Junction.
- Information about The Junction upgrade including expected impacts for motorists and local residents
Service changes for tram passengers
- Service changes to Racecourse
- Service changes to The Ammo Factory
- Getting around the work zone

During the work, trams and replacement buses will operate to the normal frequency. However they may not arrive at the scheduled time. The Tramways suggests that you allow extra time for your journey."
As I have done for the last two years, I attempt a fair crack of work on the layout that I have been planning for the last few months.
This time, the projects completed are,
- The illumination and positioning of all structures left of the railway bridge.
- The installation of backboards to all of the newer modules.
- The installation of a road indicator board for the three way point of the depot.
- The installation of the signalling system for trams entering and leaving the depot.
- Repairs/modification to the overhead on the rest of the layout and under the railway bridge.
- The installation of a flickering light module for the backyard incinerator.
My previous experience in industrial maintenance gives myself the opportunity to plan and strategise the approach that I take on 'major projects', unless there is an urgent reason to do some maintenance/repair, all other wish list items can wait until the 'shutdown'.
The illumination and positioning of all structures left of the railway bridge.
Departing the Ammo Factory
From inside the Depot.
The Victorian terraces.
Outside the Depot.
The pub and the tidy overhead under the bridge.
The Servo.
Victoria Street at night looking from the Ammo Factory.
The installation of backboards to all of the newer modules.
The Ammo Factory.
The Depot.
The Junction.
Trying to colour match your previous effort to your current effort, is near impossible for most blokes as we are usually colour deficient.
The installation or a road indicator board for the three way point of the depot.
The tidy facia that hides that madness underneath.
A quick video of the magic.
The madness...
The best way to describe this ensemble (mad woman's hat) is, that both coat hunger wires connects to both point throw bars and the limit switches by the use of junction connections and bent up paper clips, the limit switches feed into the output terminal strip (below left), upon which is fed into the input feed board (left of centre), which in turn feeds into the diode matrix board (upper left) which drives the digital display (left on the control nobs), all old school D.C. driven.
The installation of the signalling system for trams entering and leaving the depot.
A similar mechanical system as the Depot point,
combined with a DPDT switch for depot entry/exit.
With another rats nest diode matrix.
How it works......
A tram wishing to enter the Depot, throws the car in/out switch to in, sets the points to enter the Depot, therefore sets the signals against through running and exiting the Depot.(note the tiny red 'T' light signal)
The tram waits at the repeater stop light at
the exit from the Ammo Factory.
Another stop light for trams from the 'City'.
Along with protection from trams coming from the Depot.
Now the tram has clearance to proceed into the Depot.
After the points are reset for through running and the
switch set for car out, the through service can proceed.
Repairs/modification to the overhead on the rest of the layout and under the railway bridge.
Ballarat 28 trundles under the reworked rail bridge.
The railway bridge on Victoria Street has a long history, for most of the layouts life, it was the end of the known world. I had originally wired the trolley wire under the bridge by the use of brass thumb tacks and an appalling effort of soldering copper wire to this dubious assembly, which resulted into numerous dewirements and snagged pantographs.(even though Victoria Street now runs two rail DCC)
After the Depot frame construction, upon which I utilised N scale code 80 rail for a more solid form of an interior overhead, I decided to use the same material for under the railway bridge. As the bridge had received a knock at the Caulfield exhibition (almost a year and a half ago!), I thought I would use this down time to rectify the problem. Code 80 rail plus two part epoxy, wins.
The installation of a flickering light module to the incinerator.
The innards from a flickering LED tea light candle.
Nothing too scientific here.
Just ditch the battery and install a 1K resistor in series when running from 12V.
and tada, a backyard incinerator!
from under the baseboards.
"We thank you for your patience and regret any inconvenience caused by this essential renewal work."