Crossing Paths

Crossing Paths
Model Melbourne trams

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Tis the season

Well, it's that time of the year again, a chance to catch up with relatives, sample a few beverages, eat way too much and make out like a bandit with all the packaging that 'may' find a purpose on your layout.

So with much ado, here is the 'Christmas Card' for Victoria Street for this year.

"Are you sure you have tied that down?"

Above all, have a safe and enjoyable Christmas, and we will all catch up in the new year.

From under the wires.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

A few moments in the afternoon.

Given an evening without the entertainment of a young family, I could spend hours up in the study phaffing around with the digital camera, tripod and an assortment of desk and and floor lamps setting up photo opportunities.

The staging of trams, traffic and punters in ways that narrate a moment in time, coupled with a few hours (and a few beverages) photo editing on the laptop with saturation, contrast and warmth, that in the end offer 'a few moments in the afternoon'.

Patiently waiting at the Victoria St gates

The mad dash through the gates before the next suburban service.

Beware where you step near the racecourse.

Short shunting at the gates

The reason for the short shunting, the 'Festival of Trams' in Epsom Rd.

Yours from under the wires, Glenn

Thursday, 3 November 2011

One out of the ether.

Once apon a time, Victoria Street's online existence was pretty much was limited to the Micro Layout site operated by the now late Carl Arendt, since his  passing early this year, his work still lives on in an archive of a back catalog of micro and small layouts.

Just recently it has been bought to my attention that the scrapbook section has been updated and now features work from Victoria Street from earlier in the year, for those out there who believe thay have too little space for a layout, could do themselves a favour and see what other have done with 'little' space.

The latest edition does pay tribute to Carl and his work, and I feel honoured to be a part of this edition.

so it just goes to show, your work online can still kick on.

From under the wires,

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Peak Hour - Victoria St

Not much has been happing since the exhibition in August, other increasing the shelf height in the study to keep little hands away from the rollingstck, also allows the use of a tripod for photography without having to double over. So I have for your interest included a few photos.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

On the road @ Sunshine

Roughly every first weekend in August, the Sunshine Model Railway Club conduct their exhibition at the Braybrook Secondary college (High School) hall.
For the last two years I have disassembled and recreated Victoria Street on site at this exhibition.

here are a few photos...

"Racing at Feehan's Farm"

"Just give me a moment, and I'll finish this bit of shunting"

"Am I wearing something of yours, mate?"

Sunday, 19 June 2011

making movies

Managed to get a few moments to knock up a video of Victoria Street, as it currently is at the minute. So sit back and lose a few minutes and above all, enjoy.

From under the wires


Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The Victoria Street Gates

Another part of the works on Victoria Street has been the crossing square/level crossing, after obtaining some stauchions, I've finally managed to hang the rest of the overhead, here are a few photos of the works in progress.

The stauchion are up, now for the wires

all the joy of soldering and threading beads is done!

another angle of the tangle.

yours under the wires

Saturday, 28 May 2011


It has been a few weeks since I started the Victoria St blog and some work has taken place, the overhead is now in place on the bend, and the dodgy point on the station crossover has been replaced
The new point at the crossover

some fun and games during the trackworks
(in days before hi-vis, traffic management and OH&S)

The trolley wire on the bend.

Have a fair bit of work planned, stay tuned.
yours under the wires, Glenn

Friday, 22 April 2011

Get on board..

Well, this is the first time I've done this sort of thing, the 'Victoria Street' blog intends to be an online history of the layout and may include updates as time and family allows, it will not be the definitive guide to having a crack at modeling tramways, but will offer my tips, knowledge, and humour to the process. 

Enjoy the blog, as we all enjoy our own little domains, powered by twelve volts, our place of quiet contemplation and meditation.

regards Glenn

P.S. stick around, there will be an entire back catalogue of photos shortly.