Saturday 6 October 2012

Chinese whispers.

As part of the illumination and interior detail project, LEDs were retro fitted into the buildings at the Railway Station Module of Victoria Street, and as I do (quite often) then take photos of them and then post them to my Flickr account.
Well you could image my surprise, (and to my wife, much amusement) when a group on Flickr called Chinese Restaurant Worldwide Documentation Project invited this photo of the early evening in Victoria Street.
for a closer look
This group collect photos of Chinese restaurants that are not in China/Taiwan that sort of culture clash/mash themselves in their adopted environment.
The questions I ask myself is "Do they realise that this only a model?" and then "Who am I to question someones interest into something I think is somewhat obscure, for I do model and photograph trams" 
The world is a broad church, and things like this only adds to the rich texture of life.
From under the wires


  1. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought this to be an actual photo. Yours and my eyes are trained to know where to look for the difficult to model aspects. But if you were to look at this photo from across the room, it does look real. Especially with your highly detailed scenes and realistic low point of camera view. Even the lighting has an overcast day look to it. Excellent work sir!


  2. Thanks for your continued interest in Victoria Street, your work with the Hollywood foundry mechanisms together with your 400 project and the detail of your Birney car may tip me into the dark arts of DCC.

    Regards Glenn
